Chrono Stars is the name of a broad fictional setting generally focused on the Ealdremen system, a solar system that experienced a thousand years of peace and both advanced technological and magical innovation before the gods destroyed much of that progress in a cataclysmic event called the Watershed. A little over two hundred years later, society has rebuilt itself as best it can, only to plunge back into war with the discovery of stellar bodies known as "Chrono Stars," cosmic concentrations of dense magic that represent the potential to reshape society and alter the political landscape from sheer power alone.
In Ealdremen, magic is a branch of science in the same way that biology, chemistry, and physics are, and it works in tandem with technological advancement throughout most cultures. However, neither technology nor magic are truly limitless, and modern-day understandings of either pale in comparison to what was once commonplace during the Millennial Calm. Even when such artifacts of this era are successfully recovered, they are limited by modern resources — knowledge of the object's purpose and function, cultural willingness to invest anything into the restoration, and the ability to upkeep and repair such artifacts.
Throughout Chrono Stars, characters are generally "small fish in a deep ocean". They are impacted by the ebb and flow of political machinations beyond their control, the strengths and weaknesses of the societies they live in, and the desires of powerful individuals and groups that see common people as resources to be used. Rarely will the focus characters be the smartest, fastest, strongest, or richest person in the room, and they are often flawed with failed aspirations behind them and unsure futures ahead of them. Nonetheless, they may form bonds with each other and the places they inhabit, and they just might find ways to make lives better — theirs and those of others around them — as they make their way through Ealdremen.
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