Vargavinter (game)

From Chrono Stars

Vargavinter is a TTRPG using Sine Nomine Publishing's Godbound to tell the story of the world Vengeiter and those that seek to save it, no matter the cost. Central to the tale is the princess Seral Ashencrest, callous and cold as the endless winter threatening the world, but keenly aware of the severity of her crimes and unashamed even as she accepts the inescapable guilt. For years upon years, she has toiled to find solutions even when others denied there was a problem to be solved at all, and, in her desperation, she has found one final chance along an unlikely path. In a world that all divinity has surely abandoned to its fate, the only solution is to create new gods to save it.

Players are demigods created through the princess' brutal torture and experiments upon them; now called Ivurebor and given powers once thought only to exist in myth, they are sent out into the world to uncover the source of Vengeiter's plight. Should they fail, then Vengeiter's end is all but assured.

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