Geralkki Lut

From Chrono Stars

Geralkki luts represent a rarity in the Ealdremen system — a hybrid species with its own defined name and, in some regions where they are numerous enough, species-specific cultures and sociological traits. While typical media portrayals depict geralkki luts as offspring of a "full-blooded" lirastot and zhiji, the term can refer to any individual of "mixed" ancestry, with different jurisdictions and cultures having equally varied legislation and "common sense" about what specific combination or degree of removal from the "mixed" ancestry one must be to no longer qualify as a geralkki lut.

As the most known hybrid sentient species throughout Ealdremen, geralkki luts hold a contentious place in both historical and modern society. Activists have singled out the ever-shifting definition of Kin across the centuries as a major example of denying geralkki luts the protection that Kin status would entail; refusals to acknowledge their unique culture and focus on "genetic uniqueness" routinely disqualify geralkki luts from being considered a truly distinct species and, thus, holding legal personhood in most jurisdictions. Although some other Unkinned find camaraderie among the historically oppressed geralkki luts and have welcomed them into their communities, there are just as many groups of other Unkinned species that are quick to scapegoat the geralkki luts in hopes of claiming — or, in some cases, reclaiming — the coveted status of Kin. This schism has become a defining issue for especially precursor activists that see the presence of geralkki luts as "diminishing" the validity of precursors regaining their Kin designation.

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