
From Chrono Stars

Estvoled is a telluric planet located within the Ealdremen System that orbits the sun Topple-King at a relative distanced compared to other habitable planets within the system. Its distance leads to overall colder climates than its counterparts elsewhere in Ealdremen, though it still retains the warmer equator common among planets with a mostly-horizontal revolution. It is also notable for its starkly green sky said to be the result of excess Chrono usage and pollution arising from excessive methane particularly during the Millennial Calm. While this sky has grown more desaturated in the several hundred years since the Watershed destroyed much of the infrastructure that led to this pollution, it still remains noticeably greener than its natural chemical composition suggests it "should" be.

Although Estvoled is home to an abundance of nations, most of them hold affiliation with the Veriol Alliance, the largest political power to come from Estvoled both historically and presently. Its nations were the first documented to develop interstellar space travel. As a result, many Estvoldian languages, inventions, and cultural norms have spread throughout Ealdremen through a mix of integration, assimilation, and displacement; to what degree which method was most prominent is dependent on both the era of history and the writers of such historical records.

Natural satellites

Estvoled has one naturally occuring moon: Sopretak.

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