
From Chrono Stars

A reptilian species native to Beyné, shemtzannin are covered in spiky protrusions over their porous skin. Their square snouts and clawed limbs led explorers familiar with the rakkos of Raljikka to call them "Beynid rakkos" initially. Shemtzannin are capable of absorbing fluids directly through their skin, a vital adaptation for life out in the deserts of their historical territories; however, related to this, their four eyes are extremely sensitive to irritants, thought to be the reason why their species came to rely less on sight altogether. In the modern day, a shemtzannâ’s sight at its best would be considered legally blind in most species, as they are largely only able to make out movement, light, and the general locations of things around them. Even up close, they cannot make out visual details. Shemtzannin cannot distinguish color and have poor depth perception unaided. As a result, it is common to see a shemtzannâ with their eyes entirely closed much of the time, or they might wear dark-tinted goggles to keep their sensitive eyes safe both from pollution and sudden changes in light.

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